Hi there, Fernanda here!
I want to
ask you a question; will you prefer making money in a determinate place instead
of inhabitant’s health? Here in Chile big business owners prefer a billion
times money. Can you believe it? I mean, how selfish and insensible may these
people be? I think they don’t deserve to be called humans.
Quintero is
a really worrisome matter but it is not the only environmental conflict that we
(as Chileans) have past.
For example
in 2008 HidroAysen which contemplates the construction of five hydroelectric
centrals (two in Baker river as three in Pascua river) presents its Study of
Environmental Impact which a lot of people said that was adulterated, even when
it gets throw different channels of communication for environmental topics
without being freeze in any steps of them.
So in this
point I ask myself what kind of people we are choosing to be in charge of our
national reality and also to be our voice in legislative topics. I my opinion
we (I mean, not only in Chile but almost all over the world) are messing it up
in a lot of different ways, but come on! We may not keep choosing the same
people to be in charge! Do we never learn about our past errors? I think the
biggest problem here in Chile is that people is really forgetful.
I hope good
times will come soon because we really need them (but not Piñera’s )
Have a nice
I think that chilean people are blind, they don't want to see the reality.