Thursday, 20 December 2018

Post 9 : Changes to my study program

Image result for field trip

Hi, Fernanda here!

Today I want to talk about my idea of studying Natural Resources because sometimes what we hope is far from reality. (Not SO far but far)
When I take the decision of studying this career I said to myself: “This is my opportunity to stay an entire week between trees and to think about how we are going to make it to make the world a better place, full of trees and with animals all around us”. (Not really like that but close) I was so simpleton… I mean, I am not disappointed about the career I really like what I am studying but I have been talking to some comrades and there are not so many field trips as I thought... and I have to admit that it disappoints me a bit because I think that you have to be in the field to get real knowledge. Also I think we should have more English courses because it is really helpful to know how to speak and write in a good way since our University years, this way in the future we only have to practice it and not add it to our “To do list”.
Furthermore I think that omitting scants field trips and insufficient English courses, study program is O.K (May we considerate that this is O.K? XD) I mean we have a lot of different courses so we can get a lot of knowledge in different areas which I think is really important because of the type of works that we could do in the future.

What about you? What do you think about your study programme?

Friday, 14 December 2018

Post 8 : Personal Opinions

Image result for pride and prejudice

Hi there, Fernanda here!
First of all I have to say that to write this post was not easy for me because I couldn't find easily a good topic to write about.
First I thought to write about personal relationships but then I thought that it is such a delicate topic so I decided not to write about that. Then I thought that writing about a series was a good idea but that idea doesn't convinced me at all.
Finally I decided to write my opinion about books, as easy as that, because I think to read is the best activity to do.
I mean, you can read everywhere, in the bus, in the subway, in a park, at home, everywhere, and you just need that, a simple but amazing book. In my opinion it is really easy to find something good to read because there are topics of books for every taste. There are long ones, short ones, with or without pictures, love stories and really good thrillers.
I really like mystery books, but I also really enjoy a good love story.
My favorite book is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. I think the author writes in such a beautiful way that you can get into the world she is describing you and be part of it really easy. You can empathize with every character of the story, and that is something that not every author get.
What about you? What do you think about books? I would love if you recommend me one that you like! 

Thursday, 6 December 2018

Post 7 : Environmental Conflicts

Imagen relacionada

 Hi there, Fernanda here!

I want to ask you a question; will you prefer making money in a determinate place instead of inhabitant’s health? Here in Chile big business owners prefer a billion times money. Can you believe it? I mean, how selfish and insensible may these people be? I think they don’t deserve to be called humans.

Quintero is a really worrisome matter but it is not the only environmental conflict that we (as Chileans) have past.

For example in 2008 HidroAysen which contemplates the construction of five hydroelectric centrals (two in Baker river as three in Pascua river) presents its Study of Environmental Impact which a lot of people said that was adulterated, even when it gets throw different channels of communication for environmental topics without being freeze in any steps of them.

So in this point I ask myself what kind of people we are choosing to be in charge of our national reality and also to be our voice in legislative topics. I my opinion we (I mean, not only in Chile but almost all over the world) are messing it up in a lot of different ways, but come on! We may not keep choosing the same people to be in charge! Do we never learn about our past errors? I think the biggest problem here in Chile is that people is really forgetful.

I hope good times will come soon because we really need them (but not Piñera’s )

Have a nice Friday!

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Post 6: Post graduate studies

Image result for gorros de graduados

Hello, it is me again!
This Thursday I want to write about the postgraduate courses and specifically the one that I want to do while finishing my career.
First of all I want to say that I think that to take any postgraduate course is an amazing idea because it gives you so much more skills in an specific area than to just conclude a career does.
So, during my fifth year I want to start a master in Territorial Managment of Natural Resources at Universidad de Chile. I want to start specialisating myself in ways to innovate in natural resources managment technologies. When I finish this master I hope I have the chance to do a doctorate in Renewable Energies abroad, rather in Denmark or Finland because (as I already told you) I want to work in a wind farm.
In both cases I would like to take part time courses because I think distance learning doesn’t work. I think that you have to be in the field to get real knowledge.
Also I would like to take a course in leadership and in any area related to Economy. To be honest I would like to do a lot of different things and I hope my life lasts enough to do them all (sometimes I think it won’t last enough, haha)
What about you? ;)

Friday, 16 November 2018

Post 5 : My future job

Hi guys!
It's me again. 
Today I want to write about the job I want to get when I finish my career.
When I was about fifteen years old I took real awarness about the environmental problems. 
Since then I started to search to know more about the topic and I got really impressed about all the people who thinks that this is not a real problem or that it is not happening. That was the moment when I knew I have to do something to change their mind and our reality.
Nowadays I think the best way to help the environment is to educate people. Let them know how they can help and how what they do helps the environment because I think that is the biggest problem at least here in Chile. That's why I would love to work in a company which works with people, teaching them how to help the environment, recycling with them and making new objects with their recycled residues.
If I have to say which skills I have I will say that I am a really committed and engaged person, I am also a perfectionist and I am really good with people.
And if I have the chance, I would love to make a major in Renewable Energies in Denmark because in my opinion they are the best in that topic.
What about you? 

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Post 4: Free-themed topic: Videogames


Today I want to share with you my mind about -as you can see in the title- videogames.
So first of all I have to say that I had really good memories playing videogames. The last time I played a videogame was in the summer holidays, I played “StarCraft” with my boyfriend and I have to recognize that it was really fun. The other time that I remember that I spended a long time playing one of them was a lot of years ago with my father. He bought a PlayStation 2 console and we used to spend our whole evenings playing anything, but we do really used to like “The Incredibles: The Rise Of The Underminer”. It was a videogame about the movie of the same name where you had to make missions to move along the story, there were two characters to play, Mr. Incredible and Frozone (I always chose Frozone haha). It was really fun!
But now I prefer to spend my evenings reading instead of playing videogames, even when I still enjoying them, I had to say that now is harder to have time to sit in front of the TV even a while.

Sad but true.

What about you? Do you like them? 

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Post 3 : A Free-Themed Topic : Movies

Image result for louis xvi castle

Hi everyone, Fernanda here! 
Today I want to tell you about my favourite kind of films but first of all I have to admit that I am not really “in love” with all kind of them, I prefer watching series and it doesn’t matter to me if it is a love story or a thriller, I love them all, but if I have to choose one movie as my favourite, I have to say that my favourite one is Thor, just because it’s protagonist is Chris Hemsworth, and he is SO HANDSOME, I really enjoy every time I watch any of it’s instalments. Nevertheless my favourite genre of films is horror, spefically the ones which have a lot of suspense, the expectation of what’s going to happen next is the best feeling for me. Furthermore I also  really enjoy a lot historical films, which narrates XVIII century stories, and the ones which were filmed in amazing landscapes or in antique castles in Europe, I think people who work making all those wardrobe for the actors have the best work in the world! 
What about you? 
Let me know, bye!